Stratosphere SA is part of a select few of Tech& Service Partners of Curtiss-Wright. This group includes top Aerospace and technology companies that provide industry collaboration and reactive joint marketing and sales programs. These partners complement and enhance both companies’ capabilities and offer better solutions to the market. The partner products are tested and supported by one or both companies.
The select few include AMD, Annapolis Micro Systems, Arm, Athena, Atrenne Computing Solutions, Bright Computing, Cisco Systems, Concurrent Real-Time, CoreAVI, Data Device Corporation (DDC), DDC-I, Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Enova Technology Corporation, ENSCO Avionics, General Dynamics Mission Systems, Green Hills Software, HENSOLDT, Idaho Scientific, Intel, Leonardo DRS Signal Solutions, LORD MicroStrain, Lynx Software Technologies, Microsoft, National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), NXP, Rapita Systems, Samtec, Stratosphere, SYSGO, Verocel, Wind River, Xilinx, Zentech.
Stratosphere S.A. is in the forefront of advanced diagnostics and prognostics technologies.
Stratosphere S.A. is a global provider of integrated health management solutions.